编辑整理: 安徽自考网 发表时间: 2019-07-30 点击数:
I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C and
D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.
1. Traditional farming involved the open field village, a system that dated back to the ____century.
A. 4th
B. 5th
C. 6th
D. 7th
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The open field system provided a good opportunity to experiment.
B. The open field system wasted land.
C. The open field system was wasteful of labor and time.
D. The open field system made livestock farming difficult.
3. Which of the following statements is NOT considered a characteristic of farming in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?
A. Use of artificial fertilizer.
B. Introduction of new agricultural machinery.
C. The 'Open-field' system.
D. A system of crop rotation.
4. Land enclosure was a disaster for the ____evicted from their land by the enclosures.
A. landlords
B. tenants
C. farmers
D. wage laborers
5. In Ireland and Scottish Highlands land enclosure led to mass emigration, particularly to ____.
A. Africa
B. Eastern Europe
C. Asia
D. The New World
6. By the early 19th century, Britain had a road network of some ____miles.
A. 115,000
B. 120,000
C. 125,000
D. 130,000
7. In England no females were allowed to vote in national elections before ____.
A. 1918
B. 1920
C. 1928
D. 1945
8. In 1836 a group of ____and small shopkeepers formed the London Working Men's Association.
A. householders
B. tenants
C. skilled workers
D. office workers
9. The six points of the People's Charter were achieved gradually over the
period of ____, although the sixth has never been practical.
A. 1836-1848
B. 1842-1848
C. 1848-1908
D. 1858-1918
10. Parliament passed the Combination Acts of 1799-1800 to forbid the
formation of ____.
A. a new government
B. societies
C. communes
D. unions
11. The Labor Party had its origins in the ____, which was formed in January,1893.
A. Independent Labor Party
B. Grand National Consolidated Trade Union
C. Amalgamated Society of Engineers
D. Trade Union Congress
12. Thanks to the militant feminist movement of the ____led by Mrs. Pankhurst before the First World War, votes were granted to women over 30 in 1918.
A. Luddites
B. Suffragettes
C. Chartists
D. Levellers
13. The spark of the First World War was struck at Sarajevo on June 28, ____, when the Austrian Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist.
A. 1913
B. 1914
C. 1915
D. 1916
14. As a result of the First World War settlement the ____was established in 1920.
A. League of Nations
B. British Commonwealth
C. British East India Company
D. United Nations
15. After World War I political unrest in Britain led to ____general elections in just over 5 years.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
16. The Blitz radically changed the face of London for the first time since ____nearly 3 centuries earlier.
A. the Black Death
B. the Great Fire
C. the Civil War
D. the Great Plague
17. The foundations of ____was laid in the late 1940s, providing free medical care for everyone and financial help for the old, the sick and the unemployed.
A. the welfare state
B. the National Health Service
C. the compulsory education
D. the Women's Liberation Movement
18. In the 1960s Pop music underwent a revolution when the Beatles became
world famous and turned their hometown of ____into a place of pilgrimage.
A. Manchester
B. Blackpool
C. Liverpool
D. Sheffield
19. The 1970s saw the growth of ___in Wales and Scotland.
A. liberalism
B. Marxism
C. chauvinism
D. nationalism
20. Margaret Thatcher believed in the following except____.
A. self-reliance
B. the strengthening of trade unions
C. privatization
D. the use of monetary policies to control inflation
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7. A 8.C 9. D 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B
I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.
1. The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the theory of ____.
A. Adam Smith
B. John Maynard Keynes
C. Margaret Thatcher
D. Karl Marx
2. In the 1970s Britain maintained the _____ growth rate and the _____ inflation rate among the developed countries.
A. lowest/lowest
B. highest/highest
C. lowest/highest
D. highest/lowest
3. Under Margaret Thatcher Britain experienced _______.
A. economic recession
B. economic expansion
C. economic decline
D. economic depression
4. In Britain service industries account for about ____ of its gross domestic product (GDP).
A. one-third
B. two-thirds
C. three-fifths
D. four-fifths
5. The following are the reasons why British coal mining is today called a "sick" industry except _____.
A. Britain has used up almost all coal deposits
B. the demand for British coal has declined
C. petroleum, water power, and electric power are replacing coal for many purposes
D. the old British mines are narrow and deep, making it difficult to sue machines fro mining.
6. Which of the following is not true of British iron and steel industry?
A. Britain's steel industry is declining.
B. No more new discoveries of iron ore have been found in Britain.
C. Supplies of iron ore are now mostly foreign.
D. Compared with newer plants in the world, Britain's steelworks are not efficient.
7. Rolls-Royce is world famous for _____.
A. machine tools
B. household appliances
C. luxury automobiles
D. high-quality knives and hand tools
8. Why is it that Britain today imports more clothing than it exports?
A. British clothing is of poor quality.
B. Britain does not grow cotton.
C. Many countries with lower costs can produce clothing more cheaply than the British can.
D. Britain has a highly developed transportation system.
9. The area between _____ and ______ is now often referred to as the "Silicon Glen".
A. London/South Wales
B. the Oxford/the Cambridge
C. London/the Cambridge
D. Glasgow/Edinburgh
10. Which of the following is not true of Britain's agriculture?
A. British farming is highly mechanized.
B. Agriculture in Britain is intensive.
C. British farming is very efficient.
D. Britain's agriculture can produce enough food for its people
I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or
answers the question.
1. All criminal trials are held in open court because the criminal law presumes the _____ of the accused until he has been proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
A. guilt
B. impartiality
C. innocence
D. honesty
2. The jury consists of ordinary, independent citizens summoned by the court: 12 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and ____ in Scotland.
A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
D. 15
3. People between the ages of _____ and 70 (65 in Scotland) whose names appear on the electoral register, with certain exceptions, are liable for jury service and their names are chosen at random.
A. 18
B. 19
C. 20
D. 21
4. Youth Courts try most cases involving people under _____.
A. 17
B. 18
C. 19
D. 20
5. The Crown Court sits at _____ centers and is presided over by High Court
Judges, full-time Circuit Judges and part-time Recorders.
A. 91
B. 92
C. 93
D. 94
6. The main courts of civil jurisdiction in England and Wales are the County
Courts of which there are _____.
A. 270
B. 271
C. 272
D. 273
7. In Northern Ireland civil cases up to the value of £_____ are dealt with
in county courts.
A. 14,000
B. 15,000
C. 16,000
D. 17,000
8. There are _____ police forces in England and Wales, 8 in Scotland and one
(the Royal Ulster Constabulary) 9n Northern Ireland.
A. 40 B. 41
C. 42 D. 43
9. Police officers are not allowed to join ____ or to go on strike.
A. a club
B. a trade union
C. a political party
D. the army
10. There are about 130 prison establishments in England and Wales and some
20 in Scotland, many of which were built in the ____ century.
A. 16th
B. 17th
C. 18th
D. 19th
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. D
1. The National Health Service was established in the United Kingdom in _____.
A. 1946
B. 1947
C. 1948
D. 1949
2. Prescription charges do not apply to the following people except ____.
A. self-employed people
B. child under 16
C. war and armed forces disablement pensioners
D. women aged 60 and over and men aged 65 and over
3. NHS has suffered from under-funding in recent decades, as a result of which many ______ people have been turning to private medical health care.
A. working class
B. elderly
C. educated
D. better-off
4. Britain ahs about ______ million adults with one or more disabilities, of whom around 7 percent live in communal establishments.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
5. Most pregnant working women receive their statutory maternity pay directly
from their employer for a maximum of _____ weeks.
A. 17
B. 18
C. 19
D. 20
6. The Church of England is not free to change its form of worship, as laid
down in _____ without the consent of Parliament.
A. the Bill of Rights
B. the Provisions of Oxford
C. the Constitutions of Clarendon
D. the Book of Common Prayer
7. The position of the Church of Scotland was defined in the Treaty of Union, 1707, and further safeguarded by the Church of Scotland Act, ______.
A. 1921
B. 1922
C. 1923
D. 1924
8. The Salvation Army is served by 1,800 officers (ordained ministers) and runs more than _____ worship centers.
A. 500
B. 1,000
C. 1,500
D. 2,000
9. At Christmas, the home is decorated with the following except _____.
A. colorful paper chains
B. leaves of holly and mistletoe
C. a young fir-tree
D. firecrackers
10. Easter is traditionally associated with the following except ____.
A. the resurrection of Christ
B. the eating of Easter eggs
C. the custom of giving presents
D. the coming of spring
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C
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