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编辑整理:  安徽自考网 发表时间:  2018-05-23  点击数:



  advantage  n. definite benefit; sth. that may help one to be successful or to gain a desired result 优点,优势,好处

  approximately  ad. nearly; almost 近似;大约

  assemble  v. fit or put together (sth. such as a machine) 装配

  campaign  n. series of planned activities to gain a special object 运动

  concentrate  v. bring or come together 集中

  considerably  ad. much; a great deal  很多地

  constant  a. happening all the time; continuous or without break  不断的,经久的

  drought  n. a long period of dry weather, when there is not enough water 干旱

  enrich  v. make finer in quality 使丰富,装饰,增美

  epidemic  n. disease spreading rapidly among many people in the same place for a time 流行病

  famine  n. serious lack of food 饥荒

  feasible  a. workable; possible; able to be carried out or done 行得通的,可实行的

  figure  n. symbol for a number 数字

  furthermore  ad. moreover; in addition 而且,此外

  hygiene  n. science of healthy living and cleanliness  卫生学

  hygienic  a. of hygiene; likely to promote health; free from disease germs 卫生学的,促进健康的

  migrate  v. move from one place to another; change one‘s place of living 迁移,移居

  migration  n. the act of migrating 迁移,移居

  mountainous  a. full of or containing mountains  多山的

  occupy  v. line in; take possession of  占领,占据

  populace  n. common people 平民,大众

  populate  vt. live or settle in an area 居住于…中

  prehistoric  a. of a time before recorded history 史前的

  preservation  n. preparation of food to resist decay (食品)保藏

  profitable  a. resulting in money gain 有利有图的

  replace  v. take the place of 代替,取代

  security  n. the state of being safe 安全

  significantly  ad. importantly 重大地

  specialize  v. trained or adapted for a particular job or purpose; limit all or most of one‘s study, business, etc. to particular things or subjects 专门研究,专攻

  specific  a. particular or certain 特有的,特定的

  supervise  v. keep watch over work and workers as the person in charge 监督

  transportation  n. a means or system of carrying passengers or goods from one place to another 运输

  billion  n.(英)万亿:(美)十亿

  (the) plague  n. 鼠疫,黑死病

  tropical  a. 热带的,炎热的



  accomplish  v.  finish  successfully  完成

  approximately  ad.  nearly correctly but not exactly  大约地;近似地

  combat  v.  fight or struggle against  跟…战斗;拼搏

  compensate  v.  provide with a balancing effect for  补偿;赔偿

  defect  n.  some loss or something lacking or imperfect  欠缺;缺点;不足之处

  deplete  v.  lessen greatly in quantity,  contents, power or value  使空虚;使减少;使枯竭

  devastate  v.  destroy completely  破坏

  drainage  n.  the flow of excess water  排水,放水

  erosion  n.  the action or result of wearing or robbing away  腐蚀;侵蚀

  feat  n.  an action showing strength, skill or courage  武艺,技艺;壮举

  fertile  a.  (of land) which produces good crops; rich  肥沃的,富饶的

  flourish  v.  grow healthily  繁荣;兴旺

  graze  v.  (of animals) feed on grass  喂草;放牧

  herd  n.  group of animals of one kind which feed together 兽群;牧群

  identical  a.  exactly alike  完全相同的

  innovation  n.  new ideas, methods or inventions  新观点;新方法;革新、创新

  intensive  a.  growing too much crops on a limited piece of land; giving too much in a limited space or time  精耕细作的,集约的;集中的

  livestock  n.  animals kept on a farm  家畜,牲畜

  misleading  a.  causing to think or act wrongly  误导的;引入歧途的

  nutrient  n.  chemical or food providing for life and growth  营养品,营养物

  offspring  n.  the young of an animal  幼仔,后代

  overwhelming  a.  very great  很大的;势不可挡的;压倒之势的

  pasture  n.  a grass land used as food for cattle  牧场

  potential  n. possibility for developing or being developed  潜力;潜能

  precious  a.  that must not be wasted; extremely valuable  宝贵的,珍贵的

  prosperity  n.  the state of having good fortune and success  幸运;成功

  radiate  v.  send out ( light or heat )  发射(光线或热量)

  replenish  v.  put new supplies into; fill up again  补充;添加;(再)装满

  restrict  v.  keep within limits  限制;限定;约束

  rotate  v.  plant different crops each year; take turns in regular order  轮作

  substantial  a.  noticeable; important  显著的;重大的

  trait  n.  particular quality of something  特性,特点

  tranquility  n.  being peaceful; freedom from anxiety  和平;宁静,安静,安宁

  triple  v.  cause to grow to three times the amount or number 三倍于;使增至三倍

  yield  n.  output; the amount that is produced  产量,收获量

  embryo  n.  胚胎

  insemination  n.  授精

  semen  n.  精液

  superovulation  n.  多排卵

  surrogate mother  代孕母体

  uterus  n.  子宫



  appeal  n. a call to a higher count to change the decision of a lower court 上诉

  ban  n. an order for forbidding sth. 禁令

  budget  n. a plan of how much money to take in and how to spend it 预算

  bully  v. force or frighten someone to do sth. 强迫…做;恐吓…做

  clip  n. cut of sth. by leaving out parts of it  剪,剪短

  commentator  n. a broadcaster who gives opinions or descriptions during an event, football match etc. 时事评论员,实况播音员

  commitment  n. a promise to following a certain course of action 许诺,(商业上的)约定

  curb  n. controlling influence 控制,约束,抑制

  executive  a. concerned with making or carrying out decisions, esp. in business 执行的,实施的

  exposure   n. a case of being exposed to the public 曝露,揭露,曝光

  fierce  a. angry, violent and cruel 生气的,凶猛的,残忍的,强烈的

  hangover  n. the feeling of headache, sickness etc. the day after drinking too much alcohol  (酗酒或吸毒后的)宿醉,(指头痛,恶心等不适感)

  impartiality  n. being fair or giving equal attention to all concerned 公平,公正,一视同仁

  injunction  n. official order to do or not to do 命令,指令,禁令

  legislate  v. make laws  立法,制定法律

  memorandum  n. a note of sth. to be remembered 备忘录

  panorama  n. a thorough representation in words or pictures 概观,概论,全景

  passionate  a. showing or filled with strong, deep, often uncontrollable feeling 热烈的,热情的,激昂的

  pledge  n. a solemn promise or agreement 誓言,誓约,保证

  predecessor  n. a person who held (an official) position before someone else 前辈,前任者

  prejudice  v. cause to have unfair and often unfavorable opinion not based on reason 使抱偏见,使怀成见

  prelude  n. sth. that comes before and acts as an introduction to sth. more important 序言,序幕,序曲

  privatize  v. cause to become one‘s own 把(公有财产等)收归所有,使私有化

  prospect  n. sth. that is expected or considered probable 指望,盼望的事物

  skeptical  a. doubtful 怀疑的

  shareholder  n. owner of one or more shares in a business 股票拥有者,股东

  submission  n. suggestion; idea, opinion 建议,意见,看法

  substantial  a. noticeable, important 显著的,重大的

  substitute  v. put sth. in place of another 代替,替代

  transmit  v. send out radio or television signals; broadcast  发射,传送,播送

  transmitter  n. an apparatus that sends out radio on television signals 发射机,发报机

  uphold  v. confirm; give approval to 批准,赞成,拥护,同意

  UNIT 42



  advanced  a.  far on in development, modern先进的,现成的

  amplify  v.  make louder , larger, greater ;  explain in greater detail放大;详述

  audible  a.  able to be heard;hearable听得见的

  basement  n.  the lowest part of a building, partly or wholly below ground level  底层;地下室

  block  n.  part; area  街区

  booming  n.  growing  rapidly  迅速发展

  canteen  n.  a place in a factory, company, etc. where people may buy and eat food, meals, drinks, sweets, etc.  小卖部;餐室

  console  n.  a flat surface containing the controls for a machine, electrical apparatus, etc.  控制台,仪表板

  directory  n.  a book or list of names, facts, etc.  名录簿,记事本

  distinctive  a.  clearly marking a person or thing as different from others  与众不同的

  drab  a.  dull; uninteresting; cheerless  单调乏味的

  drum up  v.  obtain by continuous effort, esp. by advertising  大力征集,招徕

  entrance  n.  a gate, door, or other opening by which one enters  入口处

  exalted  a.  of high rank; full of joy of the success  高贵的;兴奋的;得意扬扬的

  feature  v.  have as a special character  以…为特色

  gadgetry  n.  small machines or useful apparatuses  小机件;玩意儿

  graphics  n.  lettering, drawings, etc.  图解,字母书写

  imprecise  a.  not exact  不精确

  innovation  n.  a new idea, method or invention  革新,新方法

  noticeable  a.  that can be noticed; worth noticing  显而易见的;值得注意的

  novelty  n.  sth. new and unusual  新颖,新奇

  prestigious  a.  admirable; respectable  有威信的;受尊敬的

  remarkable  a.  unusual; deserving attention  异常的;值得注意的

  rival  n.  a person with whom one competes  竞争对手

  short-lived  a.  lasting only for a short time  短命的,短暂的

  showcase  n.  enclosed shelves with glass in which objects are placed for looking at; a place where goodness is displayed  陈列柜;(优点等)展示

  sign up sign an agreement to take part in sth.; enlist  签字;应征

  situated  a.  in a particular place  处于某种境地的

  skyscraper  n.  very tall city building  摩天楼

  sophisticated  a.  complicated; worldly-wise  复杂的;老于事故的

  unnoticeably  ad.  without being seen or noticed 被忽视地

  electronics  n.  电子学;电子业

  fuzzy-logic circuit  模糊逻辑电路

  headquarters  n.  总部;司令部

  panel  n.  控制板

  processor  n.  处理器

  subsidiary  n.  子公司

  wind avenue  风道

  wind-tunnel  n.  风洞






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