编辑整理: 安徽自考网 发表时间: 2018-05-23 点击数:
Lesson Three:the use of force
1. startle: to disturb suddenly as surprise 惊吓。
如: starling news/s startling discovery (disturbing, frightening) 令人震惊的新闻/发现
He startled us when he slammed the door so loudly. 他砰的一声把门关上,让我们大吃一惊。
The noise startled me out of my sleep. 喧哗之声把我从梦中惊醒。
2. a. motion: to make a motion or gesture, as with the hand (用手等) 作示意。
如: He motioned me to sit down. 他向我作了个手势,让我坐下。
b. look over : examine, esp. briefly 检查。
如: I will look over your paper soon. 我很快会看一下你的论文。
We looked over several new models before deciding.我们看过了几种新的模型之后才做了决定。
He asked my age, height, weight and marriage status, and then looked me over . 他询问了我的年
3. Eye **. up and down 上下仔细打量。
如They eyed the stranger up and down . 他们对那陌生人仔细上下打量了一番。
4. Be up to ***. to do sth. : be one's responsibility to do sth. 由……负责做……
如:It's up to you to break the news to him. 应该由你向他透露这条消息。
It's up to them to make the change. 应该由他们作这个变化。
5. in profusion : a great amount quantity ( of something ) 充足。
如; a great profusion of colors = colors in rich profusion 五颜六色
Profuse: adj. generous, lavish 丰富。
如:The critics were profuse in their praise of the new novel. 批评家慷慨地赞扬了那部小说。
He was profuse in his thanks for the help. 他盛情感激他的帮助。
Be profuse with one's money 花钱大手大脚。
6. a sore throat:喉咙痛, sore ; Physically painful or sensitive, such as a wound or diseased part
疼痛 如I'm sore all over from the heavy work I did yesterday . 昨天干了一天重活,全身上下都痛了。
7. in my best professional manner : 以我最好的职业方式;
manner : a way of doing things 做事情的方式。
manner : courtesy 礼貌。
如good manner 有礼貌。
It's bad manner to speak with your mouth full. 嘴巴里满满的对人说话是不礼貌的。
8. coax : attempt to influence by gentle persuasion 哄骗。
如He tried to coax the secret from me . 他试图哄骗我说出秘方。
9. on the chance : counting on the slight possibility 怀着希望,也许可能。
on the off chance :抱着微弱的希望。
如; She applied on the off chance. 她抱着微弱的希望作了申请。
He offered the information on the chance that it might prove useful. 他提供了信息,指望能有所帮助。
10. admonish : to warn or caution gently , to report mildly 训诫。
如; Admonish ******. against sth. 劝诫…… 提防…… : The teacher admonished us against being late.
(= us not to be late.) 老师训教我们不要迟到。
He admonished him of the need for sincerity.他警告我为人必须真诚。
11. a. savage: mercilessly cruel, uncivilized, wild 野蛮的。
如: a savage attack on 野蛮攻击 ; a savage lion 野蛮的狮子 : savage manners 野蛮的态度
savage scenery 残酷的场面。
12. a. ensues: follow as a consequence 跟随, 紧跟。
如: After the heavy rains, floods ensued. 大雨之后紧跟着发了洪水。
during the ensuing months / in the ensuing year 随后的几个月/年;
the war and the ensuing disorder 战争以及随后紧跟着的混乱。
b. abject : humiliating and wretched; contemptible and despicable 可怜,可鄙的。
如: an abject apology 低声下气的道歉。
a. crushed : subdued 压服。
13. a. agony: extreme and prolonged suffering 极大的痛苦。
如: in agony 处于痛苦之中;pile up the agony 苦上加苦;in an agony of joy 悲喜交加。
b. apprehension ; uneasiness and fear 恐惧,担心。
如: feel (show ) apprehensions for the safety (failure) 对安全(失败)感到(显得)很担心。
14. let go of 松开,放开。
如: He let go of the rope. 他放开了绳子。
15. clench : close tightly 紧紧抓住。
如: He clenched the cigar in his teeth. 他用牙齿紧紧夹住香烟。
He clenched his fists in frustrations. 他沮丧地紧握拳头。
with clenched teeth 咬紧牙关。
16. a. desists: to cease, such as from some action 停止。
如; The company was forced to desist from false advertising. 公司被迫停止虚假广告。
They desisted from evil ways. 他们停止为非作歹。
b. “ should + 不定式完成体” 在这里所表示的是一种非真实情况, 表达了作者一种遗憾的感情色彩。
如: I should have come earlier. 我本该早点来。
He should have taken my advice. 他本应接受我的建议。
17. a. neglect=negligence 疏忽
neglect : pay no attention or too little attention to 不(够)重视,注意。
如; You shouldn't neglect your health. 你不应该忽视自己的健康。
Benign neglect 善意的疏忽;total neglect 完全疏忽;parental neglect 养子不教。
b. case : the actual state of things 情况。
如; If that's the case, you'd better give it up. 如果情况确实如此, 你最好放弃。
18. go at assault ; begin or proceed vigorously 攻击,开始,进发。
如; The tow cocks are going at each other. 两个公鸡互相争斗。
The students tend to go at their studies before the examination .学生一般会在考试前才开始学习。
19. beyond reason 没有理由。 beyond : outside the limits of ……超出……范围。
如: beyond human power 超出人力所能为;beyond human endurance 让人无法忍受;
beyond description 难以形容。
20. overpower : 1) overcome (someone or something ) by superior force 压倒,制服
2) affect or impress deeply or powerfully 使……无法忍受。
be overpowered by heat (grief) 炎热(悲痛)难忍。
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