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英语翻译学习笔记 The Imperial Palace

编辑整理:  安徽自考网 发表时间:  2018-05-23  点击数:

1. Built in the early fifteenth century (1406-1420 A.D.), it is also called the Palace Museum or the Old Palace. 故宫建于15世纪初(公元1406-1420年),也称故宫博物院或紫禁城。
    “it”指代“the Imperial Palace”,译作“故宫”。“the Old Palace”本身就是故宫的意思,所以译文中就不能再说“或故宫”了,而因根据中文的习惯译作“或紫禁城”。

2. As you pass through Tian An Men Gate you will enter a walled courtyard. 穿过天安门,便是一个有围墙的广场。
    “As you pass through Tian An Men Gate”虽然是一个时间状语从句,但译作汉语时可从简,以免译文不自然或累赘。因为汉语在介绍名胜古迹时常用无主句。

3. Although you cannot see them, on either side of this courtyard are many gardens and halls. 尽管远得看不见,可广场两旁有许多的花园和宫殿。
    “on either side of this courtyard are many gardens and halls”是一句倒装句。“them”指的是“many gardens and halls”。

4. Of particular interest if you have time might be the Imperial Ancestral Temple, which is to the right, and the Sun Yat-Sen Park, on the left. 时间充裕的游客,一定会对这两个地方感兴趣:右面的太庙和左面的中山公园。
    全句是一句倒装句,正常语序为:The Imperial Ancestral Temple, which is to the right, and the Sun Yat-Sen Park, on the left, might be of particular interest if you have time.
    原文“if you have time”是个条件状语从句,译文作了较灵活的处理,语气更客观。

5. Covering an area of 175 acres (72 ha.), the Palace is enclosed by walls over 35ft. (10.4 m. ) high and surrounded by a moat 57 yd. (52 m.) wide. 故宫占地175英亩(72公顷),四面围绕着35英寸(10.4米)高的城墙和57码(52米)宽的护城河。
    “Covering...”是个现在分词短语,其逻辑主语是“the Palace”,译成中文时把“故宫”先说。

6. Used as the imperial palace by both the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911 A.D.), the Imperial Palace is the largest and most complete group of ancient buildings standing in China. 故宫是清明两代的皇宫(公元1368-1911年),是中国现存最大最完整的古建筑群。
    “Used as”是过去分词短语,其逻辑主语是“the Imperial Palace”,译成中文时“故宫” 先说;“Used as”的意思是“作…用”,译文用“是”更贴切。

7. The halls and palaces which comprise the Imperial Palace are all built of wood and brick. 故宫里所有的殿、宫均为砖木结构。

8. With a total of over nine thousand rooms, most of the Palace had undergone some reconstruction to repair damage caused by fire and other ravages of time during the long years of its history. 故宫共有九千多间宫殿,历史上大多数宫殿曾遭火灾和其它破坏,后得以重新修建。

9. Throughout you will find typical masterpieces of ancient Chinese architecture. 到处都可看到中国古代建筑的杰作。

10. Two notable examples are the ingeniously constructed watchtowers and the magnificent Hall of Su前一单元me Harmony. 最典型的两处为匠心独具的角楼和宏伟的太和殿。

11. To further insure the Imperial Palace would be given special protection, in 1961 the Chinese government decreed that the entire area be considered one of China's "most important historical sites." 为了进一步确保故宫能得到特殊的保护,中国政府于1961年宣布整个故宫区域属中国“最重要的历史名胜”之一。
    “To further insure the Imperial Palace would be given special protection”是动词不定式短语作目的状语,译作“为了…”。
    “decreed”是动词“decree”的过去式,意为“发布(命令)、颁布(法令)”,宾语从句的谓语形式为“(should)be considered”。

12. The Palace Museum, with four gates, has its main entrance to the south, known as the Meridian Gate. 故宫博物院有四个宫门,南为午门,是主要入口。
    “with four gates”是个介词短语,补充说明“The Palace Museum”。在译文中被灵活处理成“有四个宫门”。英语中的介词被处理动词,这在翻译中是非常常见的。

13. This is the gate you will approach as you continue along the cobbled roadway from Tian An Men. 进入天安门后沿着石子路一直向前就到了午门。

14. The Imperial Palace is spanided into two ceremonial areas: the Outer Palace and the Inner Court. 宫殿按前朝后寝的制度分外朝内廷两部分。
    “ceremonial”意为“used for involving a ceremony; formal礼仪的;仪式的;正式的”。根据历史,译为“按前朝后寝的制度”。

15. Through the Meridian Gate and across the Golden Water Bridge, one comes to the Gate of Su前一单元me Harmony, the main gate of the Outer Palace. 穿过午门,走过金水桥,便到了太和门,这是外朝的正门。

16. The main buildings in the Outer Palace are the Hall of Su前一单元me Harmony, the Hall of Complete Harmony, and the Hall of Preserving Harmony. 外朝的三大殿分别是:太和殿、中和殿和保和殿。






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