编辑整理: 安徽自考网 发表时间: 2018-05-23 点击数:
behavior n. way of acting 行为
bound v. leap 跳跃
cage n. a place where birds or animals are kept 笼子
camera n. an instrument to take pictures 照相机
companion n. a person or animal that spends time with another 同伴,伙伴
compatible a. suitable 适合的
cover vt. travel a certain distance 行过(路程)
criminal n. a man who has broken the law 罪犯,犯人
deliver v. hand over 传递
disturbance n. things that distract one‘s mind 打扰,干扰
entertaining a. amusing 有趣的
escape v. avoid 逃脱,避免
factor n. a particular side 方面
fasten v. fix firmly 扎牢,系牢
hind a. of a back part 后面的,在后的
instinct n. tendency without training 天性
intelligence n. ability to learn and understand 智力
jungle n. a tropical forest too thick to walk through easily 丛林
odor n. smell 气味
particularly ad. especially 尤其
perform v. do 从事,做
photograph v. take pictures (为……)拍照
physical a. of a concerning the body 身体的
popular a. well liked 受欢迎的
property n. things that are owned 财产
retrieve v. bring back 取回,带回
spring vi. jump suddenly from the ground 跳跃
temperamental a. of nature 性情的
track (down) v. find after search 追踪,追捕
traffic n. the movement of people or cars, trucks, etc 交通
trail n. path across rough country 小道,路径
unexpected a. never thought to happen 想不到的
utilize v. make use of 利用
circus n. 马戏团
advantageous a. profitable, helpf
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