编辑整理: 安徽自考网 发表时间: 2018-05-23 点击数:
accident-prone a. likely to have accidents 特别易出事故的
build-up n. increase or development; forming steadily 增大;逐步建立
considerable a. fairly large or great in amount, size or degree 很大的,可观的
controversial a. likely to cause or causing much argument or disagreement引起争论的
crack down take disciplinary action against 对……采取严厉措施,对……进行制裁
defective n. a. faulty; imperfect 有缺陷的
deficiency n. state of having none or not enough缺乏,不足
deteriorate v. become worse in quality 变质,恶化
discharge v. send, pour or let out (gas, liquid, etc.) 排出;n. the action of discharging; sth. discharged 排出;排出物
disturbing n. causing anxiety 扰乱,打扰
disused a. no longer used 不用的,废弃的
exclusive a. published by only one newspaper at first; not shared with others 独家报到的;独占的,专有的
inadequate a. not good enough in quality, ability, size, etc. 不适当的,不充足的
initiative n. the first movement or act which starts sth. happening 首创,发端
inspectorate n. a group of inspectors 视察团
inspection n. official visit to judge the quality of sth. or to see that rules are obeyed 视察
maintenance n. keeping sth. in good condition, by making repairs to it and taking care of it 保养,维修
mitigate v. make less severe 使缓和
munitions n. large arms for war, such as bombs, guns, etc. 军火
obsolete a. no longer used; out of date 已废弃的;过时的
probe n. careful and thorough inquiry or examination 探究
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